Posts Tagged 'how can social media work for my company'

An Expert Assessment of Social Media Marketing

social-media-waste-of-timeWe talk a lot about social media marketing. A lot. In the past few weeks alone we’ve published posts on using Twitter to help build a brand, advantages and disadvantages of being a YouTube partner, and statistics on how much MORE money we’ll spend on social network marketing this year.

What can we say  – we’ve got a soft spot for social media and its marketing potential.

Of course, we think we’re justified in our love of applying new technologies to tried-and-true techniques. After all, we have implemented some of these components in our own campaigns, and they seem, for the most part, to garner a positive response.

As always – and we preach this more than we prosthelytize social media as the second coming – serious consideration should be given to the benefits and pitfalls of social media before abandoning everything else you know. Even then, while you weigh your options, your question shouldn’t be ‘Should I engage in social media marketing?’ but rather ‘HOW should I engage in social media marketing?’

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

Maybe you’re the kind of person who needs to hear these things from IBM Vice President Sandy Carter, who did an interview on the subject with

During the chat, Sandy offers her professional perspective on the importance of social media for business, as well as some of the topics she’ll cover during a session at the B2B Forum in Boston on June 8 & 9 – a conference we highly recommend you attend if these sort of topics are your cup of tea.

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